Here's to a great Summer
Posted by Joey Gueez
11:38 PM
I'm really looking forward to this summer, Especially spending 2 weeks in California and seeing a new area. I have a lot of stuff planned for myself this time around and i'm going to push myself to get them done. This is also my first TRUE summer living on my own, So I'll be able to have people over when i want and i don't have to ask the rents for permission.
I must say every since my dad was rushed to the hospital, I've become much closer to my family then i had been in the last few years. It's not that i never wanted to be close with them, But i think parents need to realize that at some point we need to venture of on our own for awhile and face the world without our parents. Plus being around them all the time and never having time to myself really put me on edge It's not their fault, it's just who i am as a person. I really enjoy having my time alone and not constantly having people around me.
In the last few months, a lot of events happened and those events really made me grow up..A LOT. I appreciate your family more in life, You'd rather avoid the people who constantly wanna argue and make everything a competition. You just want to be around people that you can laugh with and go out and try new things. You also want to spend more time around your family and think more about your future. I'm very greatful that i have a nephew and im truly proud of my sister and the EXCELLENT job she is doing with her son. That shows what kind of parents me and her truly have.
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